If you have bad credit and you are thinking about buying home, it is important to figure out if you are going to qualify for a bad credit mortgage. It’s a good time to think about buying, if you have your financial house in order. Interest rates are really great right now and that includes bad credit mortgage rates.
Estimated Amount To Come Out With Your Initial Fund?
The first question to answer is do you have a down payment? Most lenders won’t talk to you, these days, unless you’ve got 15 or 20% of the home’s value as a down payment. The next important thing is to know your credit score. It can be in the 500s and you may still qualify for a loan. Knowing your credit score will give you some sense of how much of a down payment you need, as well as how much house it’s likely you’ll get a loan for.
If you have a house and bad credit and you are thinking about refinancing, bad credit refinance is also an option. You need to evaluate the idea of refinancing your home very carefully. Even if you had great credit, it’s not a decision to make lightly. You need to ask yourself two important questions: First, are you going to stay in this house for more than five years? If you plan on moving in less than five years it makes no sense to consider bad credit mortgage refinancing. With the time and the money it will cost to go through with, the refinance costs will not be recouped in less than five years.
Should You Go for 15 or 30 Year Mortgage?
The second important question to answer before you decide to refinance is this: are you back to a 30 year mortgage? Many people, in order to lower their monthly mortgage rate, will opt for the refinance at 30 years. While this might be smart, you need to know what you’re signing up for. Is it worth a lower monthly mortgage payment to find yourself with 30 more years left to pay on your house? Is your income likely to improve in the short run? Do you have other options? Answer these questions honestly in order to decide on the right course of action.
If you have bad credit that’s an indication of one of two things either you have money management problems or you have an income problem — or both. If you have not been successful and managing your finances than a mortgage or refinance is only going to highlight these problems. If you have an income problem, it’s crazy for you to think about buying a home or staying in your current home. If you cannot afford the home you have currently, you need to make the tough choice to give it back to the bank and find an apartment.
For mortgage, you may take a look at the loan review of Costco to get some insight before applying for your loan.
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