Wednesday, January 13, 2016

THE Economy vs. YOUR Economy

Between, email, phone conversations and appointments, my assistant and I decided that I’m talking with and advising upwards of 400 people a month in some way about their personal finances.  I have a lot of opportunities to hear about how things are going with the general public, and very often common themes emerge.

Many are asking the question about how to buy their first home.  Many are in a home and would like to move to another.  Some are interested in taking on an investment property.  Others are concerned about their investment portfolio and want to know what, if anything, they should do in light of the last year’s happenings.  One of my clients is having their fourth child in a two-bedroom home.  More and more, it’s about a job change or the desire to make a job change, or even start a business.  And most often the conversation is an overlap of two or more of these kinds of events or goals.

It’s difficult for any of us to take a non-emotional appraisal of our own situation and see it for what it is, but it’s never been as good a time to do that than it is right now.

My goal in today’s short post is to encourage my clients and readers to make one paradigm shift before approaching any of these life changing ideas and goals.

One simple change in thinking:

Look at THE economy at large through the lens of YOUR personal economy and not the other way around.  Many are coming in ASSUMING that because “things are bad out there” that their situation is bad too.  They are looking through a foggy lens steamed up with media frenzy and “get out of debt” radio ads and are having a hard time seeing their personal economy for what it is.  They look at their situation and only see a lower-value home and a lower-value 401k.  Two values that in the grand, long-range scheme of things are meaningless to most of us.

Well at least 85% of us.  Why 85%?  Well, for the 15% of Michiganders who are not employed (and want to be) their personal economy has real challenges.  But for the rest of us (and even most of you unemployed folks out there) a market like this one spells OPPORTUNITY.

Look for opportunity.  Use your personal economy to take advantage of opportunities in the greater economy.  This is an easier task now than it ever has been before.